Kingston upon Thames » Meetings

Meeting agenda 9 August 2023

Kingston and North Kingston CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Room 41, RBK Guildhall on Wednesday, 9 August 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance & apologies (JB, DW)
  2. Minutes & actions of last meeting
  3. Review of interim activity & ongoing matters: CAGG/ CAAMPs update; recruitment;
  4. Any other business: 23/01865 (45-51 High Street); 23/02004 (109 LHR);
  5. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 3 August 2023
The applications below were received on 7 Jul, 14 Jul, 21 Jul and 28 Jul.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA1: Kingston Old Town
13 - 15 Church Street Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1RW
Kingston And North Kingston
Shopfit in existing empty retail unit. Installation of new flooring, internal decoration, merchandising system. Amends to electrics and life saving systems. New energy efficient lighting.Decoration to shopfront and new signage.
CAAC: Objection 9 Aug 2023 Refuse on 4 Sep 2023 4 Sep 2023

2 Apple Market Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1JE
Kingston And North Kingston
Alterations to shopfront at ground floor level.
CAAC: No objection 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 7 Sep 2023 7 Sep 2023

CA5: Liverpool Road
23 Alexandra Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6SD
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of rear dormer roof extension and installation of 1no. front and 1no. side rooflight to facilitate loft conversion
CAAC: Objection unless revised 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 29 Aug 2023 29 Aug 2023

1 Eden Mews Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7FH
Kingston And North Kingston
Change of use of vacant office unit into single dwelling (studio).
CAAC: No objection 9 Aug 2023 Prior Approval Granted on 16 Nov 2023 16 Nov 2023

11 Heatherdale Close Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7SU
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of single storey rear extension and internal alterations
CAAC: No objection 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 13 Sep 2023 13 Sep 2023

CA6: Fairfield/Knights Park
Former Builders Yard Off Littlefield Close Land Rear Of 6 To 9A Fairfield West Littlefield Close Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2UG
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of 2nos semi-detached dwelling with associated bins, cycle provision and removal of existing drop kerb.
CAAC: Objection unless revised 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 10 Nov 2023 10 Nov 2023

34 Mill Street Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2RF
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of first floor rear extension
CAAC: No objection 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 9 Oct 2023 9 Oct 2023

CA7: Grove Crescent
Flat 12a Grove Court Grove Crescent Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2DF
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of rear dormer roof extension to facilitate loft conversion
CAAC: No objection 9 Aug 2023 Application Granted on 25 Sep 2023 25 Sep 2023

CA13: Richmond Road - None

CA15: Park Road - None

CA24: Riverside South - None

CA25: Riverside North - None

23/01346/ADV - CA1: Kingston Old Town