Kingston upon Thames » About CAACs

About CAACs

Conservation Areas Advisory Committees

Conservation Areas Advisory Committees (CAACs)

What are CAACs?

Our Borough has the benefit of three independent Conservation Areas Advisory Committees (CAACs) that provide a way for local groups and residents with an interest in heritage to assist in protecting and enhancing Kingston's conservation areas.

CAAC membership comprises people with an interest in the built environment and its heritage, and is drawn from local amenity societies, residents' associations, independent historical, architectural and planning experts, and local residents and businesses.

There is no statutory duty to operate or facilitate CAACs, nor is there national guidance on how they should be organised, operated or on the composition of their membership. CAACs are independent of the Council and residents of the Borough can stand for election.

What does a CAAC do?

The main part played by a CAAC in the planning process is to provide a local focus and local knowledge in respect of conservation and heritage matters.

The work of the CAACs focuses on commenting upon planning and Listed Building consent applications within the conservation areas they cover. In determining applications in conservation areas, planning officers and planning committee members benefit from the local knowledge that can be gained from the observations and comments provided by the local CAACs. To read the CAAC's comments on a specific planning application refer to the Council's Planning Register (Please note: a planning application reference number or property address will be needed to search the Register.)

CAACs may also comment on council proposals within conservation areas for public works (other than general maintenance) to the highway, public open spaces and other Council managed space.

CAACs can also recommend buildings for statutory listing by contacting Historic England, assist in reviews of teh Council's register of local listed buildings of merit, and make comments on the contents of draft conservation area character appraisals and other draft planning policies.