Kingston upon Thames » Meetings

Meeting agenda 11 January 2023

Kingston and North Kingston CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Wednesday, 11 January 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance & apologies (AL, DW)
  2. Minutes & actions of last meeting
  3. Interim activity & ongoing matters: a) CA appraisals & RE spreadsheet; b) Progress on RH actions; c) Update of App/ RBK websites; d) 55 & 69-71 Richmond Rd;
  4. Any other business
  5. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 5 January 2023
The applications below were received on 9 Dec, 16 Dec, 23 Dec and 30 Dec.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA1: Kingston Old Town
Bishops Palace House Riverside Walk Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1QN
Kingston And North Kingston
Change of use from nightclub (sui generis) in first floor to flexible restaurant (Class E(b))/office (Class E(g)(i)) drinking establishment (Sui Generis) with enhanced food provision (sui generis) and associated external terraces. Creation of flex...
CAAC: Objection unless revised 11 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 18 Apr 2023 19 Apr 2023

36 Market Place Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1JQ
Kingston And North Kingston
Dispaly of 1no non-illuminated hanging sign and 1 no externally illuminated fascia sign.
CAAC: Objection unless revised 11 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 26 Jan 2023 26 Jan 2023

CA5: Liverpool Road
St Pauls Church Queens Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7SF
Kingston And North Kingston
Proposed replacement of 4no. church notice boards
CAAC: No objection 11 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 24 Jan 2023 24 Jan 2023

CA6: Fairfield/Knights Park
20 Orchard Road Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2QW
Kingston And North Kingston
Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission ref: 22/00997/HOU (Demolition of existing rear extension and outbuilding, erection of part two storey and part single storey side and single storey rear extension. Installation of 1no side and 1no rear...
CAAC: Decision already issued 11 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 4 Jan 2023 4 Jan 2023

CA7: Grove Crescent - None

CA13: Richmond Road
14 Albany Park Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5SW
Kingston And North Kingston
Conversion of roof to habitable living space, side and rear dormers, installation of new rooflights, replacement windows and doors and alterations to existing front boundary wall
CAAC: Objection unless revised 12 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 17 Feb 2023 17 Feb 2023

CA15: Park Road
24 Brunswick Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 6SA
Kingston And North Kingston
Demolition of existing rear conservatory, erection of part two storey, part single storey side extension.
CAAC: Objection 11 Jan 2023 Application Granted on 17 Jan 2023 17 Jan 2023

CA24: Riverside South - None

CA25: Riverside North - None