Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 11 January 2023

RBK ref:

Address: Bishops Palace House Riverside Walk Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1QN

Planning Officer: James Garside

Description of proposed works:

Change of use from nightclub (sui generis) in first floor to flexible restaurant (Class E(b))/office (Class E(g)(i)) drinking establishment (Sui Generis) with enhanced food provision (sui generis) and associated external terraces. Creation of flexible office (Class E(g)(i))/drinking establishment (sui generis) and associated external terraces in second floor including screening. Provision of new and reconfigured plant enclosures. Alterations to existing external staircase, installation of new lift rising to Level 1, extension to existing substation, elevational alterations to under croft and installation of new cycle parking, associated landscaping. Erection of first floor riverside extension to provide restaurant floorspace (Class E(b)), provision of external seating area, installation of new LED screen to show public artwork, new external cladding, cladding to external staircase at rear. Installation of new rooflights and photovoltaic panels in roof. Fenestration alteration.


By full committee on …… 11 January 2023 …… with …… 6 …… members present

Issued on 11 Jan 2023

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

Objection unless revised as below.

We welcome any serious attempt to improve the existing somewhat dilapidated appearance & amenity of Riverside which has been the subject of countless planning applications, none of which have come to fruition.

This latest proposal is worthy of consideration: there are a number of positives eg the new upper deck observation terrace but these are offset by some negatives most notably the stone-coloured panelling to the roof line that would extend the entire length of the west face of the building. We have concerns over the extent of light pollution from the LED screen. The paneling is bland & heavy-handed & would do nothing to enhance the existing roof scape of Riverside including its relationship with the grade 1 listed All Saints church tower. It must be re-thought.