Kingston upon Thames » Meetings

Meeting agenda 14 June 2023

Maldens and Coombe CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

The applications below were received on 5 May, 12 May, 19 May, 26 May and 2 Jun.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA2: Old Malden - None

CA16: Presburg Road - None

CA17: Coombe Wood
Hurston House Stoke Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7NX
Kingston And North Kingston
Demolition of existing pool house and erection of single storey pool house, plant room and bar.
CAAC: No objection 14 Jun 2023 Refuse on 4 Jul 2023 4 Jul 2023

14 Ravenswood Court Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7JL
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of single storey rear and front porch extension. Fenestration alteration, rendering of external walls, internal configuration and erection of single storey garden outbuilding. Replacement of existing gate and fence.
CAAC: No objection 14 Jun 2023 Application Granted on 29 Jun 2023 29 Jun 2023

CA18: The Groves - None

CA20: Kingston Vale - None

CA21: Coombe Hill
Flat 9 Coombe House Devey Close Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7DT
Kingston And North Kingston
Application for Non material Amendment to Planning Permission 19/02021/FUL for removal of proposed secondary spiral staircase and introduction of simple extension to existing landing
CAAC: Decision already issued 14 Jun 2023 Application Granted on 5 Jun 2023 5 Jun 2023

CA22: Coombe House - None

CA23: Kingston Hill
125 Ullswater Crescent Kingston Vale London SW15 3RE
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of two storey side, and part single storey/part two storey rear extension, infilling of front porch and replacement of roof-tiles to dwellinghouse
CAAC: No objection 14 Jun 2023 Application Granted on 16 Jun 2023 16 Jun 2023