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Meeting agenda 12 January 2021

Surbiton CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Tuesday, 12 January 2021 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 6 January 2021
The applications below were received on 4 Dec, 11 Dec, 18 Dec, 25 Dec and 1 Jan.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA3: St Andrews’ Square - None

CA4: Southborough
27 Langley Avenue Surbiton KT6 6QP
Surbiton - OLD
Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear and side extensions, conversion of garage into habitable space, associated changes to fenestration and installation of roof light.
Application Granted on 21 Jan 2021 21 Jan 2021

16 Ashcombe Avenue Surbiton KT6 6QA
Surbiton - OLD
Application for a Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission ref: : 18/16321/HOU (Demolition of existing garage and carport. Erection of single storey front extension and formation of a frameless glass link between the house and the new extensi...
Refuse on 1 Feb 2021 1 Feb 2021

6 Woodlands Road Surbiton KT6 6PS
Surbiton - OLD
Replacement of windows, front door, garage door, rear patio door and rendering of pebble dash.
Application Granted on 25 Jan 2021 25 Jan 2021

Land At 84 Ditton Road And Ditton Lodge 16 Southborough Road Surbiton KT6 6RH
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of three storey 4 bedroom detached house with associated landscaping, car parking, cycle storage and amenity space
CAAC: No objection 8 Feb 2021 Application Granted on 4 Jun 2021 4 Jun 2021

12B Southborough Road Surbiton KT6 6JN
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of single storey rear extension.
Application Granted on 25 Jan 2021 25 Jan 2021

Southborough House 14 Ashcombe Avenue Surbiton KT6 6QA
Surbiton - OLD
Details required for Condition 2 (Lighting Assessment) of planning permission 20/01511/HOU (Installation of CCTV cameras to external elevations, 2 no. new lanterns and 2 no. external column lights)
Application Granted on 9 Feb 2021 9 Feb 2021

CA8: Claremont Road - None

CA9: Surbiton Hill Park - None

CA10: Oakhill
Fire Station 31-33 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6AF
Surbiton - OLD
Installation of replacement windows and doors, re-roofing works, single-storey extension, increase maximum height of blocks B1/C1 (from 3m to 3.27m) and new fixed ladders/edge protection to block A1
Application Granted on 3 Feb 2021 3 Feb 2021

Land At Rear Of 110 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6HA
Surbiton - OLD
Details required for Conditions 3a (Materials for external finishes), 3b(Refuse storage facilities), 4 (Cycle parking) and 5 (Waste Management Strategy) of planning permission 17/16209/FUL extended by 20/02382/IMPB (Change of use of ground floor w...
Application Granted on 15 Feb 2021 15 Feb 2021

84 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6EX
Surbiton - OLD
Change of use of Office space at ground floor (Class B1) into a 2 bed 4p, Flat (Class C3)
Application Withdrawn on 8 Jan 2021 8 Jan 2021

CA11: Victoria Avenue
7 Victoria Avenue Surbiton KT6 5DL
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of single storey rear extension with associated changes to fenestration
Application Granted on 4 Feb 2021 4 Feb 2021

CA12: Christchurch - None

CA19: Surbiton Town Centre
Meadway House 17-21 Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 5LR
Surbiton - OLD
Change of use from mixed Use of Professional Services (Class A2) and Offices (Class B1(a) ) to a mixed use of Class A2 and Flats (Classe C3)
Application Withdrawn on 31 Aug 2021 31 Aug 2021

Claremont Court 4 St James Road Surbiton KT6 4QP
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of four storey residential building in courtyard to provide 7 no. (4 x one-bedroom and 3 x two-bedroom) self-contained flats, cycle store (with new amenity deck above), infill extension to existing entrance courtyard with three storey ext...
CAAC: Objection 8 Feb 2021 Application Granted on 29 Apr 2021 29 Apr 2021

CA26: Fishponds Park - None