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Meeting agenda 8 February 2022

Surbiton CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Tuesday, 8 February 2022 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 2 February 2022
The applications below were received on 7 Jan, 14 Jan, 21 Jan and 28 Jan.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA3: St Andrews’ Square - None

CA4: Southborough
48 Upper Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 6LS
Surbiton - OLD
Conversion of existing garage conversion to habitable space and erection of single-storey rear extension
CAAC: No objection 9 Feb 2022 Refuse on 2 Mar 2022 2 Mar 2022

91 Ditton Road Surbiton KT6 6RJ
Surbiton - OLD
Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of single-storey rear, front porch extension and first floor extension above the existing garage. Erection of 3 nos rear dormer roof extension, installation of 3 nos front, 2 nos side rooflights t...
CAAC: Objection unless revised 9 Feb 2022 Refuse on 9 Mar 2022 9 Mar 2022

2 Hailsham Close Surbiton KT6 6QD
Surbiton - OLD
Details required for Conditions 3 (Materials), 4 (Levels), 5 (Sustainable Drainage System), 8 (Cycle Storage), 9 (Landscaping scheme) and 11 (Boundary Treatments and Refuse Storage) of planning permission 19/00246/FUL (Appeal ref: APP/Z5630/W/19/3...
CAAC: No comment/neutral 9 Feb 2022 Refuse on 26 Apr 2022 26 Apr 2022

81 Ditton Road Surbiton KT6 6RJ
Surbiton - OLD
Conversion of garage into habitable space gym, erection of single storey infill extension to courtyard. Replacement of side glazed roof with new slate tile roof
CAAC: No objection 9 Feb 2022 Application Granted on 22 Mar 2022 22 Mar 2022

25 Woodlands Road Surbiton KT6 6PR
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of rear dormer extension to facilitate existing loft conversion and alteration to rear door in ground floor
CAAC: No objection 9 Feb 2022 Application Granted on 20 Mar 2022 20 Mar 2022

CA8: Claremont Road - None

CA9: Surbiton Hill Park - None

CA10: Oakhill
111-115 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6AL
Surbiton - OLD
Changes to existing fenestration and access to the rear of existing shop premises and to the detached ancillary storage building to the rear of the site, with additional areas for new cycle parking and new bin storage to rear
CAAC: No comment/neutral 9 Feb 2022 Application Granted on 17 Feb 2022 17 Feb 2022

Rear Of 142-148 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6HE
Surbiton - OLD
Derails required for re-discharge of Conditions 3B (Details of the paving surface in the pedestrian access) and 6 (Hard and soft landscaping scheme and planting plan) of planning permission 18/16588/FUL (Erection of a two storey building comprisin...
CAAC: No comment/neutral 9 Feb 2022 Refuse on 14 Apr 2022 14 Apr 2022

CA11: Victoria Avenue
26 Balaclava Road Surbiton KT6 5PN
Surbiton - OLD
Details required for Condition 3 (Facing Materials) of planning permission 21/03281/HOU (Erection of single-storey rear extension)
CAAC: No comment/neutral 9 Feb 2022 Application Granted on 16 Mar 2022 16 Mar 2022

CA12: Christchurch - None

CA19: Surbiton Town Centre
64 - 68 Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 5PP
Details required for Conditions 23 (Landscaping), 24 (Construction and Maintenance Scheme) and 38 (Urban Greening Factor) of planning permission 20/00977/FUL (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a new 2 storey building with 3rd storey...
CAAC: No comment/neutral 9 Feb 2022 Application Granted on 13 Jul 2022 13 Jul 2022

CA26: Fishponds Park - None