Kingston upon Thames » Meetings

Meeting agenda 19 August 2021

Maldens and Coombe CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Thursday, 19 August 2021 at 6:30pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 13 August 2021
The applications below were received on 16 Jul, 23 Jul, 30 Jul, 6 Aug and 13 Aug.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA2: Old Malden
355 - 369 Malden Road Worcester Park KT5 7NS
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of extensions and alterations to existing buildings to provide 4no. additional flats; erection of new terrace dwelling to the side of 355 Malden Road; erection of new garage building to the rear of the site; and associated works to provid...
Application Granted on 10 Dec 2021 10 Dec 2021

CA16: Presburg Road - None

CA17: Coombe Wood
Warren House Warren Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7HY
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of an Orangery to existing restaurant including two doors to new structure to provide access from restaurant to the garden
Application Granted on 12 Dec 2022 12 Dec 2022

Warren House Warren Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7HY
Kingston And North Kingston
Erection of an Orangery to existing restaurant to provide extra space for guests, including two doors to new structure to provide access from restaurant to the garden
Application Granted on 12 Dec 2022 12 Dec 2022

Greystoke Stoke Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7NX
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of new single dwelling
Application Granted on 14 Sep 2021 14 Sep 2021

Holy Cross Preparatory School George Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7NU
Kingston And North Kingston
Non-compliance with Condition 3 (Pupil Numbers) of Planning Permission MAL 1316 dated 14/03/1952
Application Granted on 8 Jul 2022 8 Jul 2022

Four Acres, Unilever George Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7PD
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Removal of existing wooden gates and installation of metal security gates, associated security systems and minor resurfacing works.
Application Granted on 6 Oct 2021 6 Oct 2021

CA18: The Groves - None

CA20: Kingston Vale - None

CA21: Coombe Hill
Ridge House Beverley Lane New Malden Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7EE
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of two-storey side and front extensions , increasing ridge height 650mm with erection of 3no rear dormer roof extensions and installation of 3no front rooflights to facilitate loft conversion. Alterations to detached garage roof including...
Refuse on 17 Sep 2021 17 Sep 2021

149 Coombe Lane West Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7DH
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of single-storey rear detached outbuilding with decking
Application Granted on 23 Sep 2021 23 Sep 2021

CA22: Coombe House - None

CA23: Kingston Hill
4 Cedar Close Kingston Vale London SW15 3SD
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Non-Material Amendment to Planning Permission ref: 20/02284/HOU (Demolition of existing garage and erection of double storey side/rear extension). Amendment to reduce porch side windows in height
Application Granted on 26 Jul 2021 26 Jul 2021

36 Bowness Crescent Kingston Vale London SW15 3QL
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of first floor rear extension
Refuse on 13 Oct 2021 13 Oct 2021

53 Ullswater Crescent Kingston Vale London SW15 3RG
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of single-storey rear extension with associated changes to fenestration. Side roof extension with installation of 1no roolflight and rear dormer roof extension to facilitate loft conversion
Application Granted on 16 Dec 2021 16 Dec 2021

83 Ullswater Crescent Kingston Vale London SW15 3RE
Malden And Coombe - OLD
Erection of part double, single-storey rear extension. Relocation of entrance door to be flush with the front building line. Installation on 4no rooflights
Refuse on 26 Nov 2021 26 Nov 2021