Kingston upon Thames » Meetings

Meeting agenda 8 December 2020

Surbiton CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Community room RBK Guildhall on Tuesday, 8 December 2020 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 2 December 2020
The applications below were received on 6 Nov, 13 Nov, 20 Nov and 27 Nov.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA3: St Andrews’ Square - None

CA4: Southborough
51 Herne Road Tolworth Surbiton KT6 5BX
South Of Borough - OLD
Variation of Condition 4 (Aboricultural Report) of Planning Application Reference no: 20/01110/HOU (Demolition of an existing single storey shed/garage with gates to street. Erection of single storey detached outbuilding for use as studio and gym....
Application Granted on 28 Jan 2021 28 Jan 2021

CA8: Claremont Road - None

CA9: Surbiton Hill Park - None

CA10: Oakhill
91 Ewell Road Surbiton KT6 6AT
Surbiton - OLD
Removal of 3no. existing antennas and replaced with 3no. new antennas and ancillary works thereto.
Acknowledgement Sent on 26 Nov 2020 26 Nov 2020

CA11: Victoria Avenue
7 Calendar Mews Electric Parade Surbiton KT6 5NY
Surbiton - OLD
Erection of single storey side extension with associated changes to fenestration
Refuse on 14 Jan 2021 14 Jan 2021

CA12: Christchurch - None

CA19: Surbiton Town Centre
38 Victoria Road Surbiton KT6 4JL
Surbiton - OLD
Display of 1no. x non-illuminated fascia sign and 1no.x externally illuminated totem sign.
Application Granted on 13 Jan 2021 15 Jan 2021

CA26: Fishponds Park - None