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Meeting agenda 8 November 2022

Surbiton CAAC
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Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

For the committee meeting held at Online Via Zoom on Tuesday, 8 November 2022 at 7:00pm

  1. Attendance
  2. Minutes of last meeting
  3. Welcome to new members and review of interim activity
  4. On-going matters
  5. Any other business
  6. Review of new applications

APPLICATIONS RECEIVED before 2 November 2022
The applications below were received on 7 Oct, 14 Oct, 21 Oct and 28 Oct.
All applications can be viewed prior to the meeting, using the links below:

CA3: St Andrews’ Square - None

CA4: Southborough
26 Saffron Way Surbiton KT6 5DU
Conversion of existing garage into a secure store with installation of front window to replace garage door
CAAC: No objection 1 Nov 2022 Application Granted on 12 Dec 2022 12 Dec 2022

67 Woodlands Road Surbiton KT6 6PW
Variation of Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of planning permission 21/00897/HOU (Demolition of an existing garage and side extension. Erection of a new part single, double storey side extension and single storey front extension. Replacing the roof o...
CAAC: Objection unless revised 1 Nov 2022 Application Granted on 8 Dec 2022 8 Dec 2022

CA8: Claremont Road - None

CA9: Surbiton Hill Park - None

CA10: Oakhill - None

CA11: Victoria Avenue - None

CA12: Christchurch - None

CA14: Cadogan Road
Development Land Rear Of 27 To 29 St James Road Surbiton KT6 4QL
Details required for Condition 3 (Samples), 4 (Design), 9 (Boundary Treatment), 10 (Construction Management Plan), 11 (Levels), 13 (Landscaping), 18 (Climate Change Mitigation) and 19 (Sustainable Drainage) of planning permission 21/02831/CLC in a...
CAAC: No objection 1 Nov 2022 Refuse on 10 Jan 2023 10 Jan 2023

CA19: Surbiton Town Centre
77 Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 5NF
Details required for Conditions 4 (Construction Management Plan), 5 (Fire Strategy Statement) and 8 (Refuse and Recycling) of planning permission 22/00665/FUL (Demolition of existing greenhouse/store, erection of two storey detached office outbuil...
CAAC: No comment/neutral 1 Nov 2022 Application Granted on 28 Nov 2022 28 Nov 2022

Surbiton Railway Station Victoria Road Surbiton KT6 4PE
Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to carry out development without compliance with Condition 1 (Approved Plans) of Planning Permission ref: 21/02721/PRA (Installation of new deck to the London End of the footbr...
CAAC: Objection unless revised 1 Nov 2022 Application Granted on 19 Dec 2022 19 Dec 2022

64 - 68 Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 5PP
Surbiton - OLD
Non Material Amendment to Planning Permission 22/02278/FUL (Change of Use from A1, B1(a) and D1 to Use Class E(d) - Fitness Gym) to change Condition 3 to allow customers to attend at the property on any day of the week from 6am to 8pm (extend open...
CAAC: No comment/neutral 1 Nov 2022 Application Granted on 11 Nov 2022 11 Nov 2022

CA26: Fishponds Park - None