Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

Minutes of meeting held in the Community Room, Guildhall at 7pm on Wednesday 10.10.18

1. Attendance: Derek Winsor, Joan McConn, Julian Butler, Keith Payne, Amanda Lewis, Pippa Sparks, Toby Hiscock.

Apologies: Freda Banks, Diane Watling.

2. Minutes of last meeting: Agreed

3. Matters arising:
The issue of some CAAC appraisals not being included in Officer's reports is an on going matter: There has been an exchange of emails on the matter between Barry Lomax, PS and KP. KP to identify the exact appraisals that have been omitted and forward to Barry who will then investigate.
Application for a grant: TH has been pursuing this. Barclays bank happy to set up a CAAC account, but not until some actual income is secured. TH reported that all RBK small grants have been allocated for this year. No further applications can be made until January 2019 at earliest. Furthermore, the two grants available on RBK website are not wholly appropriate for our purposes. A one off grant of £750 cannot be applied for more than once and as CAAC needs on going funding this won't work. The other grant is a 'new initiative' grant of £3000. As Planning App is a new initiative it would seem appropriate to make an application for this in January if no other solution is found in the interim. TH has also contacted local Councillors and discovered that they have the power to authorise grants of up to £2000. TH to bring up the issue with Carolyn Kerr, Chair of Kingston Neighbourhood Committee. Many thanks to TH for his hard work on this issue.

4. Review of interim activity:
New members: Mill Street Residents Assoc. (MSRA) had been in contact to offer a representative. PS received two emails from Tom Gorrell who confirmed he would represent MRSA on Kingston CAAC and would attend today. Unfortunately he did not come along this evening. PS to email him again. PS emailed Friends of Kingston Museum to see if a replacement for Anne Baker could be found; no reply as yet.
Planning App update: KP reported that RBK plans to migrate from their bespoke planning software to the idox system used by Sutton. In anticipation of this transition, KP is working successfully on a connection with idox. KP also reported broken links in the App because RBK is now deleting links to applicants documents after an application is decided. Plans & drawings are no longer accessible, only the officers report remains. This inconvenience may be GDPR related but few other authorities do this, if any. TH reported they can still be found elsewhere in the system.


DW noted that several applications were decided before our meeting dates and without apparent consultation. KP pointed out that these were mainly issues that did not require CAAC comment, such as 'conditions' etc, but which the App added automatically to our lists. It was agreed that these should be omitted from the App. Any related to 'listed buildings' would be retained.

The Keep Several members of the committee mentioned an application for The Keep, a listed building in North Kingston. It was agreed that the proposed roof top alterations were not in keeping with this listed building. This property is adjacent to, but not within a conservation area. However, it was decided that the committee would submit an appraisal on the basis of its proximity to a conservation area and its listed status. AL has kindly agreed to compose the appraisal.

Meeting ended at 20.40 hrs. Date of next meeting: 14.11.18

COMMITTEE: Amanda Lewis Architect and CA1 resident. TBC Friends of Kingston Museum Derek Winsor (acting chairman) Charter Quay RA Diane Watling North Kingston Forum Freda Banks Kingston Archeological Society Joan McConn Spring Grove RA Julian Butler CA6 resident Keith Payne Kingston Society Maureen Beard CA7 resident Pippa Sparks (acting secretary) Spring Grove RA Toby Hiscock Canbury Area RA