SCAAC Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

Minutes of meeting held in the Community Room, Guildhall at 7pm on Tuesday xx.xx.xx

1. Attendance: Vanessa Ross, Gary Bartholomew, Ann Brown

2. Minutes of last meeting: Agreed

3. Matters arising:

4. Review of interim activity: SCAAC comments as follows:-

5. On going matters: None

6. AOB: 19/01980/FUL - 16-20A Corkran Road Surbiton KT6 6PN
The committee discussed the revisions to the above application and with specific reference to the density and number of properties proposed, the committee objects to the amended scheme on the grounds that it is over-development which would harm the character of the Southborough Conservation Area.
We draw your attention to the previous comments, made and with the exception the poor quality design of the housing, which has to some extent been addressed, and notwithstanding the amendments to the layout, we object on the same grounds as previously.

Meeting ended at 8.45 hrs. Date of next meeting: 10-02-20

COMMITTEE: Vanessa Ross (chairman) **Gary Bartholomew, **Anne Ivison, **Ann Brown*, ,