SCAAC Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

Minutes of meeting held via Zoom at 7pm on Tuesday xx.xx.xx

1. Attendance: Vanessa Ross, Gary Bartholomew, Anne Ivison

2. Minutes of last meeting: Agreed

3. Matters arising: The committee noted that there was concern that we are not being consulted on amendments to 'live' applications. We would request clarification as to the procedures in place to ensure consultation does occur.

4. Review of interim activity: SCAAC comments as follows:-

5. On going matters: None

6. AOB: We request clarification from the planning department as to the current procedures to ensure that all applications are fully and properly scrutinised by members and that decisions are being made in a way that allows for the democratic involvement of residents, represented by members.

Meeting ended at 19.45 hrs. Date of next meeting: 9th June 2020

COMMITTEE: Vanessa Ross (chairman) , Gary Bartholomew, Anne Ivison,