Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 10 September 2019

RBK ref:

Address: 18-20 & 20A Corkran Road Surbiton KT6 6PN

Planning Officer: Andrew Forrest

Description of proposed works:

Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide nine new dwellinghouses with associated boundary treatment, amenity space, refuse stores and cycle provisions along with associated parking


By full committee on …… 10 September 2019 …… with …… 2 …… members present

Issued on 12 Sep 2019

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

We strongly object in principal to this development on the grounds of harm caused to the Conservation Area. The overriding character of Southborough is large properties set within large gardens, which is distinct from the suburban layouts and densities found elsewhere in Surbiton. The proposals however are for 9 properties with very small rear gardens (relative to those typically found in this part of Southborough) and in most cases with no front gardens, resulting in a density much higher than that which characterises the CA and therefore harmful to the character of the heritage asset.
Whilst it is acknowledged that something needs to occur on the site in order to address the fire damaged property, we are concerned that if approved, the proposals will set a dangerous precedent for others who may in the future see an opportunity to buy up adjacent properties with a view to redeveloping at a much greater density.
The number of properties results in very small gardens, something uncharacteristic of Southborough and the CA in this location - this in turn has a knock on effect on the existing vegetation which future residents are likely to want to remove.
We are concerned about the loss of vegetation, particularly within the gardens. Again mature vegetation (shrubs, hedges and trees) is part of the character of the CA, and the inevitable loss, will have a detrimental effect. The proposed areas coloured 'green' to beds within the parking areas will not allow for anything other than small growing trees and this, along with the parking arrangements are wholly out of character with the CA.

The existing access currently serves one, albeit very large property, however the proposals for nine properties would result in an car parking provided for 24 vehicles - this again sets a dangerous precedent and will result in a small private access and drive serving a large number of cars. As noted above, the parking arrangements leave little or no relief from hardstanding, whereas the overriding character of the CA is for private drives often with turning spaces as well as front gardens.
We are unclear as to how the site will be serviced - will bin lorries be able to access driveway and turn around within the site without causing undue pressure on the proposed and existing vegetation.

Whilst some effort has been made to develop the buildings in a 'traditional' style, we feel more contextual analysis of the local architectural style is needed in order to design buildings that sit more appropriately within the Southborough CA.

We note that heritage is considered in the DAS, however a more detailed Heritage Assessment (undertaken by a suitably qualified expert) is required in order to demonstrate the effects on the heritage assets in respect of section 16 of the NPPF and to also to consider the appropriateness or otherwise of rebuilding a property that more closely resembles the existing property prior to the fire damage or provide guidance on a form of development that would be more in keeping with and less harmful to the CA .