Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 9 April 2019

RBK ref:

Address: 14 Upper Brighton Road Surbiton KT6 6LS

Planning Officer: Development Control Officer

Description of proposed works:

Erection of part single storey rear and first floor side extensions. Conversion of garage into utility/storage space. Erection or rear dormer roof extension, raising the ridge of the existing roof and installation of rooflights to facilitate loft conversion


By full committee on …… 9 April 2019 …… with …… 3 …… members present

Issued on 10 Apr 2019

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

The application is considered to be broadly appropriate in scale given the nature of the existing building however the design of the large dormer window to the rear is out of scale and character with the area, and in particular the use of materials (see below) and form/proportion of the window is poorly considered with no information provided on the materials of the flat roof element of the dormer. We believe that if the scale should be reduced and materials / design re-considered, an appropriate design could be achieved.

We welcome the applicants aspiration to 'improve the character and quality of the immediate area' however we do not believe that this has been achieved. In particular the statement in the DAS that The proposed alterations have been designed to incorporate the materials typical of
the local vernacular, whilst creating a modern home
is simply untrue in that the local vernacular is most certainly not once that consists of uPVC windows or doors. If the application wishes to improve quality then using appropriate materials such as timber framed windows and timber doors would go some way to achieving this.
In addition to the inappropriate use of uPVC we note that there are numerous rooflights - these should be specified as 'conservation grade'.
We object to the application on the grounds that the materials are not appropriate to those which characterise the CA, however should these be designed using a material and shape appropriate to the CA and should dormer be revised, we would support the application.