For the attention of the Assistant Director,
Strategic Planning & Infrastructure.
Planning Department RBK
Guildhall 2

18th January 2021

Dear Sir,

20/02942/FUL : Cambridge Road Estate Cambridge Road Kingston Upon Thames KT1 3JJ
Part detailed / part outline planning permission for a mixed use development, including...
Planning Officer: Harsha Bhundia


The Society regrets that it needs to object to the above Application on the following grounds:

We welcome the regeneration of the Cambridge Road Estate, but we are concerned that

the 251 documents are far more detailed & complicated than a normal Planning Application, so it’s very difficult to expect that residents of the Estate, and others who have concerns about what is happening to the character of the Borough will have the time or indeed the expertise to make detailed comments upon. However the submitted plans are in some instances sketchy, especially with regard to the proposed heights of the higher new blocks, which we estimate them to range from 6-14 storeys. We think that the 4 existing tower blocks are 10 storeys high. The Society objects to increases in height such as suggested because they will overpower & dominate the adjacent streets, which are predominantly 2-3 storeys high and therefore such tall buildings will be completely out of character. Post the Covid epidemic we are concerned about density suggested in terms of safety for the residents who will live on this estate.

The application proposes only 35% of the new homes being so called “affordable”, whereas both the London Mayor’s Policy and Kingston Council’s Policy require a minimum of 50%on publicly owned land. £250m of public money will result in only 92 desperately needed “social rent” homes [at the higher ‘affordable’ rent levels NOT traditional Council rent levels] is not good value for Council tax payers’ money.

The cost to RBK and the London Mayor’s office of providing 767 mainly 1 & 2 bedroomed properties is well in excess of £300k each.

In terms if sustainable development, the Application seems seriously misconceived. It provides no cost/benefit analysis for the refurbishment of the existing homes, versus phased demolition of the entire estate. The Application shows that there will be £1.8m in carbon offset payments -due to the fact that the new homes will not be as energy efficient as the ‘zero’ target carbon planning Policies - which are a requirement of the London Mayor’s office. This will result in over 55,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions being generated by the construction involved. The development will result in over 100 trees – impacting upon important species- as well as local green spaces and 1km of footpaths being lost. Finally, there is little or no mention of the impact upon existing local School places which will have to be increased,nor on extra the demand on local GP surgeries etc. etc.

The Society normally just makes comments on planning or architectural issues rather than wider concerns. However in this case the proposals will have a hugely wide impact upon the residents living not only on the Estate, but on a much wider area of local residents and businesses. If this scheme goes ahead, they will have to suffer the noise and disruption caused by this plan, which is estimated by the developers to take some 12 years or more to complete. The Application suggests that the indicative phasing of the whole plan -10-15 years *- will be completed by 2033, but 15 years would actually make it 2046. The result of such prolonged construction will mean an immense amount of disruption for residents and businesses in and around the Norbiton area.

Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of the Kingston upon Thames Society

Anthony Evans : Chairman
30 Presburg Road
New Malden KT3 5AH