Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 14 June 2022

RBK ref:

Address: 20A Corkran Road Surbiton KT6 6PN

Planning Officer: Honey Olaiya

Description of proposed works:

Details required for Conditions 7 (Cycle Parking), 8 (Refuse and Recycling), 11 (Boundaries) 15 (Landscaping), 17 (Biodiversity),18 (Ecology) 20 (EPC) of planning permission 21/00298/FUL (Application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to carry out development without compliance with condition 1 (Approved Plans) of Planning Permission 19/01980/FUL (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site to provide nine new dwellinghouses with associated boundary treatment, amenity space, refuse stores and cycle provisions along with associated parking) to providechanges to Plot 3 including addition of a detached double garage, minor alterations to the road layout to allow access to detached garage, minor alterations to house ground floor layout, reduction in ground floor area following loss of integral garage, addition of single storey splayed bay to kitchen area, handing (flipping of plot),minor internal layout changes at first floor level and removal of small obscure window from En-suite at first floor level)


By full committee on …… 14 June 2022 …… with …… 3 …… members present

Issued on 17 Jun 2022

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

The boundaries along Corkran Road are not specified in this submission, only the 1.8m fences which are assumed to be those along the side and rear boundaries only. While these are OK for the rear gardens, tall boundary fences along Corkran Road would have an adverse effect on the appearance of the street scene in the conservation area. SCAAC would expect to see low walls or railings (typically no more than 1m) with shrubs specified on the frontage to Corkran Road.