Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 13 September 2023

RBK ref:

Address: Wrenfield House 109 Lower Ham Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 5BD

Planning Officer: James Garside

Description of proposed works:

Demolition of existing gates, erection of a new gate and boundary wall. Repairing of existing boundary wall and hardstanding.


By full committee on …… 13 September 2023 …… with …… 6 …… members present

Issued on 21 Aug 2023

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:


Whilst we find the proposed new timber-finished gate to be acceptable we regard the new white rendered wall to be out of keeping with the character & appearance of the CA. The applicant seeks to justify it by citing precedents at two neighbouring properties. However, these properties are neither adjacent to the applicant nor are they in the CA. They are, therefore, irrelevant as a reference point. The boundaries of the existing properties (including the applicant property) in this section of Lower Ham Road, along the northern edge of the CA, comprise a mix of wooden fencing, hedging & brick walls & in our view any replacement should be of similar construction in order to preserve the character & appearance of the CA. In addition, the applicant has specified new permeable pavers & gravel for the hard-standings of the property to improve drainage, but has not provided any samples in the PA. We believe these should be made available before any planning decision is reached, or secured by condition, to ensure the materials are of suitable appearance for the CA.