Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

UPDATE: 9 Feb 2023

RBK ref:

Address: Thames Haven Portsmouth Road Surbiton KT6 4JA

Planning Officer: Karen Coles

Description of proposed works:

Erection of an additional storey and part storey roof extension to provide 9no.x additional flats.


By full committee on …… 10 November 2021 …… with …… 6 …… members present

Issued on 11 Nov 2021

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Response to the updated application:
Issued on 9 Feb 2023

We maintain our strong objection to this scheme because of its harmful impact on the setting of the Cadogan Road & South Riverside CAs, both of which border this site. The latest updates from the applicant, published in December ‘22, show little if any change let alone improvement to previous submissions & reflect a total disregard for our legitimate concerns.

This PA has been dragging on for well over a year & now must be rejected.

Response to the updated application:
Issued on 18 Jun 2022

Strong objection maintained.

These revised plans are no better than the previous proposals. The proposed additions resemble a series of double-stack portakabin(s) randomly placed along the existing building’s roof line, without any regard whatsoever for good design, quality materials, adverse impacts on the setting of the two immediately adjacent CAs (Cadogan Road & South Riverside) & the Thames-side Strategic Area of Special Character within which lies this building, key views from Home Park/ barge walk to the west & up/ down the Portsmouth Road to the north & south.

In particular: the proposed 6th & 7th floor balconies would jar with the functional appearance of the original building; as would the planned flank wall windows on the same floors; the proposed top of the building fails to make a positive contribution to the existing skyline of the area; &, importantly, the addition of 2 extra storeys would result in a tall building as defined by policy D9 of the London Plan in a location which has not been identified by the LPA as suitable for such buildings.

The applicant seeks to justify the harm from their proposals by arguing that substantial harm has already been caused by the original building. We find this argument ridiculous: increasing the height & scale of the property would compound this harm significantly.

There are zero public benefits from this application to offset the genuine harm it would cause to neighbouring heritage assets & it must be refused.

Response to the original application:
Issued on 11 Nov 2021

Reason for objection:

Strong objection.

This site is sandwiched between two CAs (14 & 24) & the proposed works would cause harm to the character & appearance of both. The increased building height/ scale (to nine storeys) would completely change the nature of the existing block & overpower its surroundings eg the houses behind, the yacht club in front & strategic views east from Home Park (NB other flatted properties on this strip are of six-seven storeys).

Furthermore, the proposed materials/ finishes (including grey slab walls) would jar with the existing building & its neighbours.