Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 9 May 2018

RBK ref:

Address: Development Site At Post Office, Ashdown Road, Kingston Upon Thames,

Planning Officer: Toby Feltham

Description of proposed works:

Variation of condition 2 (plans) of planning permission 17/12378/FUL (Erection of new buildings of 4 to 16 storeys in height and part demolition, alterations and change of use of Former Post Office and Former Telephone Exchange listed buildings to provide retail/ cafe/ restaurant uses (A1-A5 use) and flexible floorspace to be used for either retail/café/restaurant uses (A1-A5) or Office (B1), Office (B1) floorspace and community/leisure (D1/D2 use) and 320 residential units) including for alterations to the external elevations and internal layouts of the 16 storey tower and proposed building fronting Brook Street and Old Post Office public space and alterations to the public realm around these buildings. The application is accompanied by an Environmental Statement Addendum and updated Technical report Addendums.There is a listed building present on this site.


By full committee on …… 9 May 2018 …… with …… 5 …… members present

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued


We favour this scheme over that consented in 17/12378/FUL but have concerns:

Although the tower remains just as visible from the Market Place and other parts of the Kingston Town CA, the light coloured stone-like materials and design are more in keeping with those views and skyline. This makes this scheme slightly less harmful to these settings.

We are however concerned that the design details which played a significant part in the scheme choice by residents, have not been sufficiently carried through to the proposal submitted in the application.