Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

UPDATE: 16 Feb 2024

RBK ref:

Address: Former Builders Yard Off Littlefield Close Land Rear Of 6 To 9A Fairfield West Littlefield Close Kingston Upon Thames

Planning Officer: William Flaherty

Description of proposed works:

Erection of 2nos semi-detached dwellings with associated bins, cycle provision and removal of existing dropped kerb.


By full committee on …… 14 February 2024 …… with …… 7 …… members present

Issued on 15 Feb 2024

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Response to the updated application:
Issued on 16 Feb 2024

The CAAC feels strongly about the applicant’s failure to indicate the proposed brick work especially to the east wall of the property. In light, for example, of what has been built nearby in the same CA at 20 Orchard Road, currently the subject of enforcement action for mismatched brickwork & other breaches of the approved plans, we recommend that officers make it a condition of any approval that samples of the actual bricks proposed are pre-approved by them.

Response to the original application:
Issued on 15 Feb 2024

Reason for objection:

Objection unless revised as below.

The applicant’s original PA for this site (23/00023) was objected to on multiple grounds (including the high east wall) by the CAAC, also refused by officers, then withdrawn from appeal by the applicant. A subsequent PA (23/01755) was also objected to by the CAAC unless revised for the treatment of the front dormer window to the attached two storey property. This objection was overcome by the applicant with revised plans which were then approved by members & officers.

The latest PA is a step backwards, notably changing the attached property to a three storey unit which results in an east wall 50% higher than in 23/01755 without any articulation or architectural interest eg false windows, stone cills & lintels & moulded render banding in common with other period properties in this area. In addition, the applicant has provided no samples of the proposed brickwork eg whether Flemish or English bond to match the prevailing typology of the CA.

These matters must be satisfactorily addressed by the applicant in order to remove our objection & prevent harm to the character & appearance of the CA.