Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 10 June 2020

RBK ref:

Address: 20 Liverpool Road Kingston Upon Thames KT2 7SZ

Planning Officer: Nesha Burnham

Description of proposed works:

Demolition of existing garage and rear extension. Erection of a two storey side extension and widened rear extension. Extension of basement with rear lightwell. Additional dormer to side roof. Bin enclosure to front garden and AC enclosure to rear garden


By full committee on …… 10 June 2020 …… with …… 8 …… members present

Issued on 12 Jun 2020

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued


No objection overall, subject to strict adherence to conditions in the arboricultural report & reassurance on specification of window replacements. In addition, we have some concerns about the scale & design of the proposed rear extension which we believe could be harmful to its setting.

This is an ambitious scheme. Whereas we consider the proposed front & side elevations to be of a generally acceptable design/ finish that compliment the surrounding CA, we have reservations about the significantly larger rear extension proposed. Although the property is well screened from the road, we consider this extension to be out of scale & character with the host property including the existing rear extension it seeks to replace; in particular we believe the unusual roof line, large multi pane metal framed windows/ doors & new basement are harmful to their setting.

The application also includes the cutting & replacement of various mature trees. Advice has been taken by the applicant from an arboriculturalist & we would like reassurance that the arboricultural report will be strictly adhered to. In addition, the application refers to existing timber framed sash windows in the property being replaced by slimline double glazed items to match. We would like reassurance that conservation grade windows will be used to match the originals as closely as possible.