For the attention of the Assistant Director,
Strategic Planning & Infrastructure.
Planning Department RBK
Guildhall 2

16th October 2020

Dear Sir,

20/01932/FUL : The Cap In Hand 174 Hook Rise North Tolworth KT6 5DE
Demolition of existing Public House and provision of 39 no. 1, 2 & 3 bed units (13 no. ...
Planning Officer: Karen Coles


I write on behalf of the Kingston upon Thames Society which wishes to formally object to the above scheme.

  1. The height of part of the scheme at 7 storeys is excessive. The existing pub is 3 storeys with a basement [which is not visible].The remainder of the site was occupied by car parking.
  2. The proposal to build a significant number of family homes & flats on this site is completely inappropriate for this site - which is directly adjacent to the very busy traffic lanes of the 3 lane Hook Underpass & the slip road entering from Hinchley Wood. The amount of exhaust fumes coming from vehicles on these roads would render any hope of using the proposed subterranean yards [they are not even gardens] planned for the family housing completely useless. If you study the plans for these houses in some detail - as I have done - you will realise that they are very contrived. The yards are the only amenity space for the families, & would be so dark as to make them virtually unusable, filled by the nearby fumes generated by the adjacent heavy & incessant traffic.
  3. The design of the 7 storey block on the corner of the site lacks any architectural imagination whatsoever. It is unacceptable, given that the adjoining parade of shops is a modest 2 storeys high. The design of this corner building makes absolutely no attempt to produce a positive architectural statement, which is a failed opportunity especially as this site should be considered as one of the “entrances” from Chessington & Hook towards Surbiton & parts of Tolworth.
  4. The proposed elevations to both the 7 storey block of flats, & the other houses are bland beyond belief. They are repetitive, they pay no respect to the surrounding area which is all 2 & 3 storey commercial & residential buildings. The elevations show zero imagination, & might have been drawn up by a 1st year architectural student.
  5. The Society suggests that instead of the proposed residential uses on this site it should be used for a 3/4 storey block of high quality offices, designed to make a positive entrance building turning the corner with a high calibre “architectural statement”.

In conclusion the Society objects to this Application which should be refused, using all the arguments put forward above.

Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of the Kingston upon Thames Society

Anthony Evans : Chairman
30 Presburg Road
New Malden KT3 5AH