Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 9 June 2021

RBK ref:

Address: 12 St Andrews Road Surbiton KT6 4DT

Planning Officer: Thomas Frankland Wells

Description of proposed works:

Erection of part single storey/part two storey rear extension.


By full committee on …… 9 June 2021 …… with …… 8 …… members present

Issued on 9 Jun 2021

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

Contrary to the Applicants Claim, the works can be seen from public road, 2 in fact- St Andrews Road and Cottage Grove.
It is not clear from the pre-app discussion that the officer understood that the rear extension would extend beyond the existing flank wall and so be clearly visible from the street.
The DAS explains that the application addresses the needs of the applicant for single level living including wheelchair access. There is no indication of how the plans address wheelchair access to any part of the property, let alone the new LGF plan. Indeed, the proposed LGF plan does not comply with BR Approved Document M.
The pre-app advice describes that the applicants wishes to extend the property at upper ground floor level to 'provide an enlarged kitchen and provide space for a possible future carer'. This is not convincing as there is no clear separation or clear delineation from the rest of the house such as a self-contained flat as you would expect.
There is no indication how a wheelchair user can access any other part of the house- no stair lift for instance.
Rather, these plans look more like a separate flat being constructed at LGF.
We are sceptical and therefore object on the basis of scale and over development.