For the attention of the Assistant Director,
Strategic Planning & Infrastructure.
Planning Department RBK
Guildhall 2

4th August 2020

Dear Sir,

20/01024/FUL : 10 - 13 Market Place Kingston Upon Thames KT1 1JP
Retention, refurbishment and associated external alterations to existing retail unit wi...
Planning Officer: Harsha Bhundia


The Kingston upon Thames Society objects to this application
Below we set out our considered thoughts as to why the existing building should not be retained.

The applicant’s Heritage Statement sums up the current building on this site rather well: The Site comprises a commercial building in a brick Neo-Georgian style, constructed for Woolworths stores in the 1950s. It is located in the Kingston Old Town Conservation Area (see Figure 2) on the west side of the Market Place, directly opposite the Market House. The building is not listed or locally listed and has not been identified as a building of townscape merit or making a positive contribution to the conservation area.\in fact it positively detracts from the rest of the historic buildings around the Market Place many of which are Grade 2 Listed.
This is the first time in 70 years that we have an opportunity to repair this damage done to the Historic market palace back in the 1950s. The current building should not be retained. It does not provide an adequate public realm connection between the Place and the river; it defies the character of the market square by its uniformity and lack of historic character and materials. Its foundations can barely support the proposed roofing materials (the applicant states).
The Old Town is notable for the retention of an essentially Medieval street layout within its core. Medieval building plot widths range from as narrow as 3m wide (No. 12 Church Street) to an average of between 5m and 8m. This 20th century building compromised this historic grain and harmed the character of the CA.
In contrast the Charter Key development was built with a new three-part façade facing the Market Place, of which this proposal should take note and consider doing something of the same here.

The proposal does not conform to RBK’s own recommendations in conservation terms:
Protecting and enhancing the historic environment is key to maintaining Kingston’s attractive character and distinctiveness, especially in the Old Town Conservation Area around the Market Place. (RBK Area Action Plan 2008-2020 p21)


In short this would be a missed, once in a lifetime opportunity to correct the longstanding harm this building has inflicted on our most important and treasured Conservation Area. This should not be seen as an opportunity to make a harmful building more harmful.

Yours sincerely,
For and on behalf of the Kingston upon Thames Society

Anthony Evans : Chairman
30 Presburg Road
New Malden KT3 5AH