Conservation Areas Advisory Committee

DATE: 12 August 2020

RBK ref:

Address: 43 Fairfield South Kingston Upon Thames KT1 2UW

Planning Officer: Carmellena Hickey

Description of proposed works:

Erection of side and rear roof dormer extension and installation of 3no. rooflights to side roofslopes


By full committee on …… 12 August 2020 …… with …… 9 …… members present

Issued on 15 Aug 2020

1. Positive support
2. No objection
3. Objection
4. Objection unless revised as below
5. No comment/neutral
6. Lack of detail
7. Decision already issued

Reason for objection:

Objection unless revised as below.

It is disappointing to note the extent of the applicant's heritage statement, namely ‘the existing building appears to be generally as old as its surroundings'. The applicant has made no effort to carry out any map regression to see when the building was constructed, look at the CA designation statement which provides a history of the area, or even notice the red brick shield on the building which says it dates to 1861. None of the above are particularly onerous tasks and are a requirement of the NPPF; officers may therefore wish to refuse the application for non-compliance with paragraph 189.

The question is whether the various alterations to the building would result in harm to the character & appearance of the CA. The appraisal for the CA notes that Fairfield and Knights Park include an attractive diversity of Victorian and Edwardian buildings; it goes further to state that many of these buildings have remained unaltered.

While the PA would largely retain the character of the existing building, unfortunately, it does include a new side dormer window, which would detract from the original roof form. This feature would be visible from the Fairfield and in our view cause less than substantial harm. But as there are no public benefits to the PA we believe it should be refused unless the side dormer is omitted.